Magdalena Mądra

Time has its all
[not everything can be reversed]

photo set
Wrocław 2020

When asked “why did an angel attack a man”, I answer “where are my children”. Uprooting I link with the inability to cut myself off from the past. “Rottenness” is juxtaposed with “refusal to preach.” Following Joseph Beys I bandage the knife and then I refuse Mary Magdalene to touch the Christ. My torn clothes obscure the horizon of events. There is a bit of documentary and fantasy in this search, anthropocentrism and the sin of instability reign, La Scostanza (after Giotte di Bondone). Apparently, there are such things that do not pass: Roland Barthes’ punctum, tuché borrowed from Aristotle by Jacques Lacan, Julia Kristeva’s “disgust”, “Real” of Hal Foster, traumatic events described by Jill Benett as being “out of time” – such phenomena cause anxiety or breed hope that experience is always in potency