About stopping by the water that flows

A black and white photograph showing a bride over a river, with a girl in a dress staying on it and a dog falling into the water

Siren Song


Who is

Pierwsze krople dla umarłych 1

The first drops for the Dead

Kolumnowy wykres wzrostów i upadków - prototyp obiektu

Column chart of ups and downs

Pomiędzy wydarza się świat

Between the world in created

ZaLoty 1

Love is in the air

Bez tytułu

Time has its all

ZaLoty 1

Love is in the air

Bez tytułu

Time has its all

Ucicha - fragment fotografii

ceases the flapping of wings in the butterflies catches

Kula w kwadracie

ubi leones hic sunt

Jeśli przyjdę do Ciebie manekin

If I come to you it’s only for love

Arms wilt from hunger like two lumps of dough

widzę: moja żałoba ciecze ku tobie 0

I see: my mourning liquids towards you


A certain quantum of anxiety in a free state …

Nie wychodzi

… floats here on the surface


Neither this nor that

Chodzenie po suficie (negatyw w soli)

Der Vater der persönlichen Vorzeit


Collection of Fictitious Beings